
Jongste opmerking: 11 jaar gelede deur Wikiice in onderwerp Types of handcycles

Types of handcycles wysig

Attachable handcycles

Attachable handcycle

An attachable handcycle can be clicked on a wheelchair, for transport and recreation.

Electric handcycles

An handcycle that is driven by an electric motor sometimes as pedal assistance, and somtimes as a kind of scooter. a electric handcycle is mostly an attachable handcycle. an can be used just like an attachable handcycle for transport and recreation.

Racing handcycles

Racing handcycle

An handcycle for recreation and sport.

  • Arm Power -
The recumbent posture of the AP handbikes gives an Arm Power (AP) drive. you drives the cranks with your shoulders and arms. You sit recumbent and with the legs forward. Cyclists with the UCI classification H1, H2 and H3 uses this types of racing handcycles
  • Arm Trunk Power
The knee posture of the ATP handbikes gives an Arm Trunk Power (ATP) drive: drives you to the cranks from your trunk, shoulders and arms. You sit forward on your knees. Cyclists with the UCI classification H4 uses this types of racing handcycles

ATB handcycles

ATB handcycle

An handcycle for recreation in rough nature

Wikiice (kontak) 09:43, 27 Augustus 2012 (UTC)Beantwoord

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