Oorspronklike lêer(SVG-lêer, normaalweg 600 × 660 piksels, lêergrootte: 255 KG)
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Die beskrywing op die lêer se inligtingsblad word hieronder weergegee.
BeskrywingBlason ville be Berlare.svg
Nederlands: Wapen van de Belgische gemeente Berlare.
om te deel – die werk kopieer, versprei en deurgee
om te hermeng – om die werk aan te pas
Onder die volgende voorwaardes:
naamsvermelding – U moet die nodige krediet gee, 'n skakel na die lisensie verskaf en aandui of daar veranderinge aangebring is. U mag dit op enige redelike manier doen, maar nie op enige manier wat daarop dui dat die lisensiegewer u of u gebruik onderskryf nie.
insgelyks – As u die materiaal hermix, transformeer of voortbou, moet u u bydraes versprei onder die dieselfde of versoenbare lisensie as die oorspronklike.
This image depicts a coat of arms of a Flemish municipality or province. These coats of arms have been registered with the Flemish Heraldic Council (Vlaamse Heraldische Raad)[1].
The coat of arms belongs to the public domain of a city of municipality. Using it for advertising purposes, for example as a brand, is strictly forbidden.
Article 184 of the Belgian criminal law states that abuse of or forging a coat of arms can be punished with imprisonment between three months to three years. Attempting to create a coat of arms of misuse of it, is punished with imprisonment between one month and one year.
Using the coat of arms by private persons, private institutions or associations is only allowed if the council of the municipality or city has officially given permission for this. See e.g. [2].
In view of Flemish legislation this image is seen as being in the public domain, as are reproductions of this coat of arms.