Hendrik Steyn: Verskil tussen weergawes

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Lyn 46:
=== Ontvangs van die Afrikaanse Bybel ===
[[Beeld:Afrikaanse Bybel Kaapstad 1933.jpg|thumb|regs|350px|Die eerste besending Afrikaanse Bybel kom op Donderdag [[1 Junie]] [[1933]] van Londen af by Bybelhuis in Kaapstad aan. Van links: J.A. Ferguson, sen. [[François Stephanus Malan|F.S. Malan]], W.F. Kruse, H.J. Otto, ds. C.M.W. du Toit, dr. [[N.J. van der Merwe]], eerw. [[Andries Dreyer]], prof. E.E. van Rooyen, W. Watts, ds. F.X. Roome, ds. [[Pieter Gerhardus Jacobus Meiring‎|P.G.J. Meiring]], ds. F.S. Malan, biskop S.W. Lavis, eerw. G.F. Gale. Ds. Steyn is op die inlas omdat hy toe in die Oostelike Provinsie was.]]
Op [[26 Julie]] [[1933]] het die bestuur van die Bybelgenootskap in Kaapstad die volgende aantekening gemaak: “During his (ds. Steyn's) absence the first consignment of Afrikaans Scriptures arrived by the Carnarvon on Monday, 29th May. These were delivered on Tuesday afternoon and were not opened until Thursday (Wednesday being a holiday), 1 June, when the arrival was officially celebrated in the Bible House, and copies of the first Afrikaans Bible handed to those present. A photograph of the group who attended was taken for record purposes.” Met dieselfde boot is drie afsonderlike pakkies ontvang, elk met drie Bybels. Sodra dit by Bybelhuis afgelewer is, is een van die pakkette oopgemaak en die boonste eksemplaar uitgehaal en onmiddellik versend na ds. Steyn, wat toe in Oos-Londen was. Die notule meld: “This was actually the first Afrikaans Bible on which the light of South Africa fell. It was read from the pulpit at East London on the day of Pentecost (4th June) and caused great excitement and general satisfaction.”