Talcott Parsons: Verskil tussen weergawes

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=== ''The Structure of Social Action'' ===
Parsons skryf die werk ''The Structure of Social Action'' in [[1937]] en dit omvat 'n oorsig van al die verskillende sosiologiese teorieë tot op daardie stadium. Die doel van die werk is om uit te kom by 'n oorhoofse teorie (''Grand Theory''). Hy lê hier dan ook die grondslag vir sy optredesisteem wat hy later meer volledig sou uitwerk. Parsons ontwerp 'n viervoudige klassifikasie-stelsel (AGIL), wat staan vir ''Adaption, Goal Attainment, Integration'' en ''Latency''. Die stelsel was bedoel om die sosiale realiteit te kan organiseer en verklaar. Hy keer hierna terug in verskeie van sy werke.
== Publikaties ==
Parsons het talle boeke en artikels geskryf, waaronder:
* 1937. ''The Structure of Social Action''
* 1940. ''Action, Situation and Normative Pattern''
* 1951. ''The Social System''
* 1951. ''Toward a General Theory of Action''. Met Shils en Kluckhohn
* 1953. ''Working Papers in the Theory of Action''. Met Robert F. Bales en Edward A. Shils.
* 1954. ''Essays in Sociological Theory''
* 1955. ''Family, Socialization and Interaction Process''. Met Robert F. Bales en James Olds.
* 1956. ''Economy and Society''. Met N. Smelser
* 1960. ''Structure and Process in Modern Societies''
* 1961. ''Theories of Society''. Met Edward Shils, Kaspar D. Naegele en Jesse R. Pitts
* 1964. ''Social Structure and Personality''
* 1966. ''Societies: Evolutionary and Comparative Perspectives''
* 1967. ''Sociological Theory and Modern Society''
* 1969. ''Politics and Social Structure''
* 1971. ''The System of Modern Societies''
* 1973. ''The American University''. Met Gerald Platt.
* 1977. ''Social Systems and the Evolution of Action Theory''
* 1978. ''Action Theory and the Human Condition''
* 1983. ''The Structure and Change of the Social System'' Redaksie deur Washio Kurata
* 1978. ''The Theory of Social Action: the Correspondence of Alfred Schutz and Talcott Parsons'' redaksie deur R. Gatthoff.
* 1986. ''Social Science: A Basic National Resource'' Redaksie deur S.Z. Klausner & Victor Lidz
* 1991. ''The Early Essays'' (essays uit die jare 1920 en 1930). Redaksie deur Charles Camic.
* 1993. ''On National Socialism'' (essays uit die jare 1920, 1930 en 1940). Redaksie deur Uta Gerhardt.
* 2007. ''American Society: Toward a Theory of Societal Community'' Redaksie deur Giuseppe Sciortino. Paradigm ISBN 978-1-59451-227-8.
== Verwysings ==
* Hierdie artikel is vertaal van die Nederlandse Wikipedia
== Eksterne skakels ==
* [http://www.bolender.com/Dr.%20Ron/SOC4044%20Sociological%20Theory/Class%20Sessions/Sociological%20Theory/Parsons,%20Talcott/parsons,_talcott.htm Talcott Parsons 1902–1979]
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