Woordelys vir onderwaterduik: Verskil tussen weergawes

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Lyn 2 696:
;''panic'' - paniek<ref name="Pharos" />
<!-- :A sudden sensation of fear which is so strong as to dominate or prevent reason and logical thinking, replacing it with overwhelming feelings of anxiety and frantic agitation consistent with an animalistic fight-or-flight reaction. -->
:{{kleur|red|'n Skielike sensasie van vrees wat so sterk is om rede en logiese denke te oorheers of te voorkom, en vervang dit met oorweldigende gevoelens van angs en woedende agitasie wat in ooreenstemming is met 'n stryd-of-vlug reaksie. }}
;''parallel compartments'' - parallellekompartemente, parallelle weefselkompartemente?
<!-- :A decompression model comprising a group of tissues with varied rates of perfusion, but supplied by blood of approximately equivalent gas concentration. The model assumes that there is no gas transfer between tissue compartments by diffusion. This results in a parallel set of independent tissues, each with its own rate of ingassing and outgassing dependent on the rate of blood flowing through the tissue. -->
:{{kleur|red|n Dekompressiemodel wat bestaan uit 'n groep weefsels met verskillende perfusietempos, maar wat deur bloed van ongeveer gelykwaardige gaskonsentrasie voorsien word. Die model veronderstel dat daar geen gasoordrag tussen weefselkompartemente deur diffusie plaasvind nie. Dit lei tot 'n parallelle stel onafhanklike weefsels, elk met sy eie tempo van ingas en uitgassing, afhangende van die tempo van bloed wat deur die weefsel vloei. }}
;''partial pressure'' - parsiële druk,<ref name="Pharos" /> deeldruk<ref name="Pharos" /> gedeeltelike druk<ref name="Pharos" />
<!-- :(Abbreviation PP or pp) The pressure that a component gas of a gas mixture would exert if it alone was present in the volume occupied by the gas mixture. --><!-- -->
:{{kleur|red|(Afkorting PP of pp) Die druk wat 'n komponentgas van 'n gasmengsel sou uitoefen as dit alleen teenwoordig was in die volume wat deur die gasmengsel beset word. }}
;''partial pressure gradient'' - deeldrukhelling? parsiele-druk gradiënt<ref name="Pharos" />
<!-- :The rate of change of partial pressure of dissolved gas through a solvent, which is the driving mechanism for diffusion through the solvent. Also loosely used to refer to the difference between the dissolved gas pressure in a tissue and ambient pressure.<ref name="Suunto Fused RGBM" /> -->
:{{kleur|red|Die tempo van verandering van gedeeltelike druk van opgeloste gas tussen punte in 'n oplosmiddel, wat die aandryfmeganisme vir diffusie deur die oplosmiddel is. Verwys ook losgewys na die verskil tussen die opgeloste gasdruk in 'n weefsel en die omgewingsdruk. <Ref name = "Suunto Fused RGBM" />}}
;''passive addition'' - passiewe byvoeging? passiewe gastoevoeging?
<!-- :Feed gas addition system for semi-closed circuit rebreathers which discharges a part of the gas in the breathing circuit. fresh gas is added when the volume of the circuit decreases during inhalation and triggers the addition valve. Compare with ''active addition''. -->
:{{kleur|red|Voergas toevoegingstelsel vir semi-geslotelus hersirkuleerders wat 'n deel van die gas in die asemhalingslus ontslaan. vars gas word bygevoeg wanneer die volume van die stroombaan verminder tydens inaseming en die toevoerklep aktiveer. Vergelyk met '' aktiewe toevoeging ''. }}
;''patent foramen ovale, PFO'' - patente foramen ovale<ref name="Pharos" />
<!-- : A form of congenital heart defect that enables blood flow between the left and right atria through a gap in the interatrial septum. -->
:{{kleur|red|'n Soort aangebore hartfout wat bloedvloei tussen die linker- en regteratria moontlik maak deur 'n gaping in die interatriale septum. }}
;''pendulum rebreather'' - slingerhersirkuleerder
;''push-pull rebreather'' - ruk- en druk-hersirkuleerder? suig- en blaas-hersirkuleerder? trek- en stoot-hersirkuleerder?
<!-- : Rebreather with a single breathing hose from the mouthpiece to the scrubber and counterlung. Gas passes through it in both directions, unlike the one-way ''breathing loop'' configuration. The volume of the hose between the mouthpiece and scrubber is dead space. -->
:{{kleur|red|Asemgashersirkuleerder met 'n enkele asemhalingslang van die mondstuk na die gasreiniger en teenlong. Gas vloei daardeurt in albei rigtings, in teenstelling met die een-rigting '' asemhalingslus'' konfigurasie. Die volume van die slang tussen die mondstuk en die gasreiniger is 'n dooiespasie. }}
;''penetration'' - indringing,<ref name="Pharos" /> binnedringing<ref name="Pharos" />
<!-- :Entering a region with no direct vertical access to the surface, such as a cave or the interior of a wreck. -->
:{{kleur|red|Ingang van 'n gebied sonder direkte vertikale toegang tot die wateroppervlak, soos 'n grot of die binnekant van 'n wrak. }}
;''penetration line'' - binnedringingslyn?
:See ''distance line'' – Sien ''afstandslyn''
:{{kleur|red|Sien ''afstandslyn'' }}
;''percolation'' - deursyfering<ref name=Terblanche />
<!-- :In cave diving: Bubbles making their way to the walls and the ceiling of the cave and dislodging silt.<ref name=percolation /> -->
:{{kleur|red|In die grotduik: Bubbels wat hul pad na die kante en die bokant van die grot maak en slik losmaak.<ref name = percolation />}}
;''perfusion'' - bloedsomloop,<ref name="Pharos" /> perfusie<ref name="Pharos" />
<!-- :The process of delivery of blood to a capillary bed in the biological tissue.<ref name="Suunto Fused RGBM" /> -->
:{{kleur|red|Die proses van die lewering van bloed na 'n kapillêre bed in die biologiese weefsel.<Ref name = "Suunto Fused RGBM" /> }}
;''perfusion limited'' - perfusiebeperk? omloopbeperk?
<!-- :The assumption in a decompression model that perfusion has the dominant influence on gas uptake and release. -->
:{{kleur|red|Die aanname in 'n dekompressiemodel dat perfusie die beherende invloed op gasopname en vrylating het. }}
;''personal locator beacon, PLB''
<!-- :Radio beacon for personal use which is intended to indicate a person in distress who is away from normal emergency services. -->
:{{kleur|red|Radio baken vir persoonlike gebruik wat bedoel is om 'n persoon in nood aan te dui wat weg is van normale nooddienste. }}
;''personal safety equipment'' - persoonlike veiligheidstoerusting
;''personal protective equipment'' - persoonlike beskermende toerusting<ref name="Pharos" />
;''personal protective clothing'' - persoonlike beskermende klerasie<ref name="Pharos" />
<!-- :Equipment worn by personnel to reduce risk of injury at sites where it is not practicable to eliminate the hazard, including ear protectors, safety glasses, hard hats, gloves, overalls, respirators etc. -->
:{{kleur|red|Toerusting gedra deur personeel om die risiko van besering te verminder op plekke waar dit nie prakties moontlik is om die gevaar uit te skakel nie, insluitend oorbeskermers, veiligheidsbril, harde hoede, handskoene, oorpakke, respirators ens. }}
;''photo quadrat'' - fotokwadraat?
<!-- :A photograph of a quadrat taken for later analysis. Common in marine ecological research where in situ counting would be impractical. Quadrats may be identified by rigid frames or by a fixed camera to subject distance. (see ''jump camera'') -->
:{{kleur|red|'n Foto van 'n kwadrat geneem vir latere analise. Gewoonlik in mariene ekologiese navorsing waar in-situ-telling onprakties sou wees. Kwadrate kan geïdentifiseer word deur starre rame of deur 'n vaste kamera tot vakafstand. (sien ''sprongkamera'') }}
;''pigging'' -
<!-- :Deploying a pipeline inspection gauge through a pipeline. -->
:{{kleur|red|Ontplooi van 'n pyplyninspeksiemeter deur 'n pyplyn. }}
;''pigtail, pigtail connection'' - varkstertverbinding<ref name="Pharos" />
<!-- :Coiled section of pipe to provide greater flexibility or reduce stresses caused by variations in length between rigid connections. -->
:{{kleur|red|Opgerolde gedeelte van 'n pyp om groter buigsaamheid te bied of om spanning te verminder wat veroorsaak word deur variasies in lengte tussen starre verbindings. }}
;''pillar valve'' - pilaarklep?
<!-- :Alternative name for a ''cylinder valve'', originally a specific kind of cylinder valve, now generic. -->
:{{kleur|red|Alternatiewe naam vir 'n ''silinderklep'', oorspronklik 'n spesifieke soort silinder klep, nou generies. }}
;''pin index connection, Pin Index Safety System'' - penindeksverbinder? penwyserverbinder?
<!-- :Standardised connection type for portable medical gas cylinder valves and regulators, commonly used on emergency medical oxygen cylinders and regulators. -->
:{{kleur|red|Gestandaardiseerde konneksie tipe vir draagbare mediesegas-silinderkleppe en reguleerders, wat algemeen gebruik word op noodmediesesuurstof silinders en reguleerders. }}
;''pipeline inspection gauge, pig'' - pyplyninspeksiemeter
<!-- : A tool that is sent through a pipeline and propelled by the pressure of the product in the pipeline itself. It may be used for inspection, cleaning or to separate batches of product. -->
:{{kleur|red|'n Gereedskap wat deur 'n pyplyn gestuur word wat aangedryf word deur die druk van die produk in die pyplyn self. Dit kan gebruik word vir inspeksie, skoonmaak of skeiding van produkte. }}
;''Pipeline end manifold (PLEM)'' - pypeindspruitstuk
<!-- : Point where flexible underwater hose string is attached to connect seabed pipeline with Single point mooring.<ref name="Bevan 2005"/> -->
:{{kleur|red|Punt waar 'n buigbare onderwater slang vasgemaak word om seebodem pyplyn te verbind met 'n enkelpuntvasmeerboei. }}
;''placement'' - uitsetting,<ref name="Pharos" /> plasing<ref name="Pharos" />
<!-- :Point securing the guideline as it is being run out and the choice of primary and secondary tie offs.<ref name="Cave diving terms" /> -->
:{{kleur|red|Punte waar die gidslyn vasgemaak word terwyl dit ontplooi word en die keuse van primêre en sekondêre vasmaakplekke. <Ref name = "Cave diving terms" /> }}
;''plug adaptor'' - pasprop
<!-- :A plug that screws into some models of 240 bar DIN thread cylinder valve outlets, allowing a yoke fitting to be connected. Compare with block adaptor. -->
:{{kleur|red|'n Prop wat binne sommige modelle 240 bar DIN draad silinderklep uitlaatpunte inskroef, wat toelaat dat 'n jukpas verbind word. Vergelyk met ''blokadapter''. }}
;''pneumo breathing'' - pneumoasemhaling?
<!-- :Use of the pneumofathometer hose to supply breathing gas to a surface supplied diver in an emergency. Supply can be from the diver's own pneumo hose or from a standby diver's pneumo hose. The hose end can be inserted under the neck dam seal of the helmet or the face seal of the full-face mask, or there may be a quick-commect link to the helmet air supply ducting. Breathing gas supplied directly into the helmet or mask under the seal is supplied as free-flow gas. -->
:{{kleur|red|Gebruik van die pneumofademeter-slang om asemhalingsgas by 'n noodtoestand te voorsien. Die toevoer kan van die duiker se eie pneumoslang of van 'n pneumoslang van 'n bystand duiker wees. Die slangpunt kan onder die nekdam seël van die helm of die gesigseël van die volgesigmasker ingevoeg word, of daar kan 'n vinnige skakel na die helm-lugtoevoerleiding wees. Asemgas wat direk in die helm of masker onder die seël verskaf word, word as vryvloeistof verskaf. }}
;''pneumofathometer'', also ''pneumo'' - lugdrukdieptemeter? pneumofademeter? pneumofademmeter? pneumofatometer?
<!-- :Instrument to measure depth of a diver using a gauge calibrated in msw, fsw, or often both, to measure the ambient pressure at the diver by measuring the pressure in the pneumofathometer (pneumo) hose when filled with air with an open end at the diver. The hose is flushed, producing bubbles at the diver, then supply is closed for an accurate reading. The presence of a pneumofathometer is a primary distinction between full ''surface-supplied'' equipment and ''airline'' equipment. -->
:{{kleur|red|Instrument om die diepte van 'n duiker te meet deur gebruik te maak van 'n meter wat in msw, fsw of dikwels beide gekalibreer is om die omgewingsdruk by die duiker te meet deur die teendruk in die pneumofatometer (pneumo) -slang te meet wanneer dit met lug gevul is met 'n oop punt by die duiker. Die slang word gespoel, wat borrels maak by die duiker, dan is die toevoer gesluit vir 'n akkurate lesing. Die teenwoordigheid van 'n pneumofatometer is 'n primêre onderskeiding tussen volle ''oppervlaktoevoer'' toerusting en ''lugslang''-toerusting. }}
;''pneumothorax'' - ruslong,<ref name="Pharos" /> pneumotoraks,<ref name="Pharos" /> longvlieslugbreuk<ref name="Pharos" />
<!-- :Air or other breathing gas in the chest cavity, between the pleura, sometimes resulting in a collapsed lung. -->
:{{kleur|red|Lug of ander asemhalingsgas in die borsholte, tussen die pleura, wat soms 'n ineengestorte long tot gevolg het. }}
;''tension pneumothorax'' - spannings-pneumotoraks<ref name="Pharos" />
<!-- :a pneumothorax where there is sufficient pressure in the trapped gas to displace the thoracic organs. -->
:{{kleur|red|'n Pneumotoraks waar daar genoeg druk in die vasgevange gas is om die borskasorgane te verplaas. }}
;''pony cylinder'' - poniesilinder
;''pony bottle'' - poniebottel
<!-- :Relatively small scuba set usually carried as an independent alternative breathing gas source (''bailout set'' or ''emergency gas supply'') by a scuba diver. -->
:{{kleur|red|Relatief klein scubastel wat gewoonlik as 'n onafhanklike alternatiewe asemhalingsgasbron (''noodgas-silinder'' of ''noodgastoevoer'') deur 'n skubaduiker gedra word }}
;''poppet valve'' - stootklep
<!-- :Valve configuration commonly used in diving regulators. -->
:{{kleur|red|Klep konfigurasie wat algemeen gebruik word in duik reguleerders. }}
;''positive displacement'' - positiewe verplasing
<!-- :(of compressor) Compresses gas by reducing the volume of of the compression chamber by mechanical means (piston, diaphragm, vanes or other) to produce higher pressure of the contents. -->
:{{kleur|red|(van kompressor) Druk gas saam deur die volume van die kompressiekamer meganies te verminder (suier, diafragma, velle of ander) om hoër druk van die inhoud te lewer. }}
;''pounds per square inch, psi'' - pond per vierkantduim
<!-- :Unit of pressure in the Imperial and US customary units systems of measurement. -->
:{{kleur|red|Eenheid van druk in die Imperiale en Amerikaanse gewoonte-eenhede stelsels van meting. }}
;''P-port'' - P-poort
<!-- :A large bore quick connector fitting designed and used by Draeger on diving and firefighting breathing apparatus, which has been used in rebreathers, particularly for modifications for connecting a component to the breathing loop. -->
:{{kleur|red|'n Groot-boor snelkoppelstuk ontwerp en gebruik deur Draeger vir duik- en reddings-asemhalingsapparaat, wat gebruik word in asemgashersirkuleerders, en volgesigmaskers, veral vir gebruikerverwysigde koppelings van komponente in die asemhalingslus. }}
;''pre-fill external inspection'' - voorvul-buiteïnspeksie
<!-- :Examination of the external condition and markings of a pressure vessel and fittings to ensure that it complies with requirements before accepting for filling.<ref name="SANS 10019"/> -->
:{{kleur|red|Ondersoek van die eksterne toestand en merke van 'n drukvat en toebehore om te verseker dat dit aan vereistes voldoen voordat dit aanvaar word om te vul. <Ref name = "SANS 10019" /> }}
;''pre-mix'' - voormengsel
<!-- :Nitrox blend with high oxygen content used to mix nitrox by topping up the decanted premix with air. -->
:{{kleur|red|Nitroksmengsel met hoë suurstofinhoud wat gebruik word om nitroks te meng deur die oorgetapde voormengsel met lug op te vul. }}
;''pressure gradient'' - drukhelling,<ref name="Pharos" /> drukgradiënt<ref name="Pharos" />
<!-- :Variation in pressure between points. -->
:{{kleur|red|Variasie in druk tussen punte. }}
;''pressure regulating valve'' - drukreëlklep<ref name="Pharos" />
<!-- :A mechanism comprising a flow control valve with downstream feedback which closes the valve as the downstream pressure rises. It may also have ambient pressure feedback to maintain a constant downstream pressure relative to ambient pressure, or may produce a downstream pressure independent of ambient pressure changes. -->
:{{kleur|red|'n Meganisme wat 'n vloeibeheerklep met stroom-af terugvoer insluit, wat die klep sluit as die stroomafwaartse druk styg. Dit kan ook omgewingsdrukterugvoer gebruik om 'n konstante uitlaatdrukverkil in verhouding teen omgewingsdruk te handhaaf, of kan 'n uitlaatdruk onafhanklik van omgewingsdrukveranderinge lewer. }}
;''pressure regulator'' - drukreëlaar<ref name="Pharos" />
:see ''pressure regulating valve''. – sien ''drukreëlklep''
:{{kleur|red|sien ''drukreëlklep''}}
;''pressure relief valve'' - drukontlasklep<ref name="Pharos" /><ref name=Terblanche />
:see ''overpressure relief valve''. – sien ''ontlasklep''
:{{kleur|red|sien ''ontlasklep'' }}
;''pressure test'' - druktoets<ref name="Pharos" />
<!-- :Any function or leak test under external or internal pressure. -->
:{{kleur|red|Enige funksie of lek toets onder eksterne of interne druk.}}
;''pressure vessel for human occupation'' - drukhouer vir menslike besetting?
;''primary light'' - primêre lig
<!-- :The main light to be used on a dive. Usually the brightest. Rated burn-time should exceed the planned dive duration. -->
:{{kleur|red|Die hooflig wat op 'n duik gebruik moet word. Gewoonlik die helderste. Aangeslane brandtyd moet die beplande duiktyd oorskry.}}
;''primary regulator'' - primêre reguleerder?
<!-- :The regulator which the diver intends to breathe from for most of the dive. Particularly when diving with back-mounted manifolded twin cylinders. -->
:{{kleur|red|Die reguleerder waarvan die duiker voorneem om asem te haal vir die meeste van die duik. In die besonder wanneer met ruggemonteerde dubbelsilinders geduik word.}}
;''primary tie-off'' - primêre afbinding
<!-- :First tie off of the guideline in a penetration dive. This is usually made in a place with free vertical access to the surface, or within the natural light zone where the exit is clearly visible. -->
:{{kleur|red|Die eerste afbinding van die gidslyn in 'n penetrasie duik. Dit word gewoonlik gemaak op 'n plek met vrye vertikale toegang tot die oppervlak, of binne die natuurlike ligsone waar die uitgang duidelik sigbaar is. }}
;''professional diving'' - professioneleduik
<!-- :Diving which is done as part of the diver's employment or professional occupation. -->
:{{kleur|red|Duik wat gedoen word as deel van die duikers se werk of professionele beroep. }}
;''progressive penetration'' -
<!-- :An incremental approach to cave and wreck exploration. Each dive goes a bit further so that the divers develop a familiarity with the environment.<ref name="Cave diving terms" /> -->
:{{kleur|red|'n Inkrementele benadering tot grot- en wrakverkenning. Elke duik gaan 'n bietjie verder sodat die duikers 'n vertroudheid met die omgewing ontwikkel.<ref name="Cave diving terms" /> }}
;''propeller'' - skroef<ref name="Pharos O" />
;''public safety diving'' - openbareveiligheidsduik
<!-- :The underwater work conducted by law enforcement, fire department rescue, and search & rescue/recovery dive teams. -->
:{{kleur|red|Die onderwaterwerk wat deur wetstoepassing, brandweer-redding, en soek- en reddings- / herkryging duikspanne gedoen word. }}
;''pull'' - trek
<!-- # A relatively long duration pull on a lifeline when used for rope signals. (see "bell" for comparison).
# Part of an ascent between the bottom and a decompression stop, between decompression stops, or to the surface. Possibly deriving from the practice of pulling a surface supplied diver up by the umbilical or lifeline. -->
#{{kleur|red|'n Relatiewe langdurige trek op 'n noodlyn wanneer dit vir tou seine gebruik word. (sien "klok" vir vergelyking). }}
#{{kleur|red|Die dele van 'n styging tussen die bodem en die eerste dekompressiestop, tussen dekompressiestoppe, of vanaf die laaste stop na die oppervlak. Moontlik afkomstig van die praktyk om 'n oppervlaksverskafte duiker deur die toevoerslang of noodslyn op te trek. }}
;''pulmonary over-inflation syndrome'' - longoorvulsindroom
<!-- :Pulmonary barotrauma of ascent. Lung over-pressure injury. -->
:{{kleur|red|Pulmonêre barotrauma van opstyging. Long oordrukbesering. }}
;''purge'' - spui<ref name=Terblanche />
<!-- :To press the purge button on a demand valve to induce a gas flow which is intended to clear the demand valve interior of water or other substances. -->
:{{kleur|red|Om die opruimknop op 'n aanvraagsklep te druk om 'n gasvloei te bewerkstellig wat bedoel is om die aanvraagsklep binnekant van water of ander stowwe skoon te maak. }}
;''purge button'' - spuiknoppie,<ref name=Terblanche /> suiweringsknop<ref name="Pharos T" /> opruimknop?
<!-- :Button or flexible area on the front or side of a demand valve which allows the user to manually open the second stage valve to provide gas flow without inhalation. -->
:{{kleur|red|Knoppie of buigsame area aan die voorkant of sykant van 'n aanvraagklep wat die gebruiker toelaat om die tweede stadium klep met die hand te open om gasvloei te verskaf sonder inaseming. }}
;''purge valve'' - spuiklep, suiweringsklep<ref name="Pharos T" />
<!-- :Valve in snorkel or mask which allows water to drain either under gravity or as a result of exhalation into the air space. -->
:{{kleur|red|Klep in snorkel of masker wat toelaat dat water onder swaartekrag of as gevolg van uitaseming in die lugruim dreineer. }}
;''push gradient'' - gradient druk? gradient stoot?
<!-- :Tech diving jargon: Decompress at a high gradient factor, particularly when exceeding the baseline M-value.<ref name="Watts" /> -->
:{{kleur|red|Tegnieseduik groepspraak: Decompressie teen 'n hoë gradiënt-faktor, veral wanneer die basislyn M-waarde oorskry word. <ref name = "Watts" /> }}
;''Push to talk, PTT'' - druk om te praat
<!-- : Voice communication systems which require the user to press a button to transmit. Used with through water systems to conserve battery power, and with most surface units for hard wired voice communications, where the diver does not need to hear background noise. -->
:{{kleur|red|Stemkommunikasiestelsels wat vereis dat die gebruiker 'n knoppie druk om te stuur. Gebruik met deur-waterstelsels om batterykrag te bespaar, en met die meeste oppervlak eenhede vir bedrade stemkommunikasie, waar die duiker nie agtergrondgeraas hoef te hoor nie. }}
;''P-valve, Pee-valve'' -
<!-- :A valved catheter fitted to a dry suit, which enables a diver to urinate into the water at any time without having to get out of the water. -->
:{{kleur|red|'n Kateter met kleppe wat aan 'n droë duikpak toegerus word, wat 'n duiker in staat stel om te enige tyd in die water te urineer sonder om uit die water te kom. }}
;''Pyle stops'' - Pyle stoppe
<!-- : Additional brief deep decompression stops, typically 2 minutes long and half way between the maximum depth and the first conventional decompression stop. Further stops are half way between the previous Pyle stop and the first conventional stop. Named after Richard Pyle, an early advocate of deep stops who developed the algorithm. -->
:{{kleur|red|Bykomende kort diep dekompressie stoppe, gewoonlik 2 minute lank en halfpad tussen die maksimum diepte en die eerste konvensionele dekompressie stop. Verdere stops is halfpad tussen die vorige Pyle stop en die eerste konvensionele stop. Benoem na Richard Pyle, 'n vroeë voorstander van diepstoppe wat die algoritme ontwikkel het. }}
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