Dardiese tale: Verskil tussen weergawes

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Die '''Dardiese tale''', ook '''Dardu-tale''' of '''Pisaca-tale''' is 'n [[taalfamilie]] van omtrent 25 nou verwante [[Taal|tale]] wat deur sowat 6 miljoen mense in Oos-[[Afghanistan]], Noord-[[Pakistan]] en Noord-[[Indië]] (Jammu en Kasjmir) gepraat word.<ref name="austin2008">{{en}} {{citation | title=One thousand languages: living, endangered, and lost | author=Peter K. Austin | year=2008 | isbn=0-520-25560-7 | publisher=University of California Press | url=https://books.google.de/books?id=Q3tAqIU0dPsC&redir_esc=y }}</ref><ref>{{en}} {{cite encyclopaedia| year = 2007 | title = The Indo-Aryan languages | editor1-first = Danesh | editor1-last = Jain | editor2-first = George | editor2-last = Cardona | page = 905 | isbn = 978-0-415-77294-5 | author-first = Elena | author-last = Bashir }}</ref> Die taalfamilie bestaan uit ses groepe, naamlik Chitral, [[Kasjmiri]], Kohistani, Kunar, Pasjaji en Sjina. Soms word die Dardiese tale ook in drie takke verdeel: Kafiri of westelike, Khowari of sentrale en die oostelike groep insluitende Sjina en Kasjmiri. Van die tale word ook onder die Noordwestelike sone van die [[Indo-Ariese tale]] gegroepeer.<ref>{{en}} {{cite web |url=https://glottolog.org/resource/languoid/id/indo1324 |title= Indo-Aryan Northwestern zone |author=Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin |year=2017 |work=Glottolog 3.0 |location=Jena, Duitsland |publisher=Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History |accessdateaccess-date=4 Augustus 2019 |language=en |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20191212094601/https://glottolog.org/resource/languoid/id/indo1324 |archive-date=12 Desember 2019 |url-status=live|df=dmy-all}}</ref>
Die belangrikste Dardiese taal is [[Kasjmiri]] met sowat 5,5 miljoen [[moedertaal]]sprekers. Kasjmiri is die vernaamste Dardiese taal, met 'n gevestigde literêre tradisie en 'n amptelike erkenning as een van die [[Lys van nasionale tale van Indië|amptelike tale]] van Indië.<ref name="austin2008" /><ref>{{en}} {{citation | title=Routledge dictionary of language and linguistics |author1=Hadumod Bussmann |author2=Gregory Trauth |author3=Kerstin Kazzazi | year=1998 | isbn=0-415-20319-8 | publisher=Taylor & Francis | url=https://books.google.de/books?id=rhvDiOxOUe4C&redir_esc=y }}</ref><ref>{{en}} {{citation | title=The Written Languages of the World: A Survey of the Degree and Modes of Use, Volume 2: India |author1=H. Kloss |author2=G.D. McConnell |author3=B.P. Mahapatra |author4=P. Padmanabha |author5=V.S. Verma | year=1989 | isbn=2-7637-7186-6 | publisher=Les Presses De L'Université Laval | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=yU8nq-C6wnoC }}</ref>