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*{{cite book| author = Fedwa Malti-Douglas|title = Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender: A-C| publisher = Macmillan Publishers | year = 2007 | page = 308 |isbn = 978-0028659619| url = }}
*{{cite book| author = Irving B. Weiner| author2 = W. Edward Craighead|title = The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology |volume=4 | publisher = John Wiley & Sons | year = 2010 | page = 1577| accessdate = 21 Augustus 2013 |isbn = 978-0470170236| url = }}</ref> kan "seks" ’n aansienlik breër betekenis hê en kan dit penetrerende en niepenetrerende seks tussen twee of meer mense insluit.<ref name="WHO, Sex"/> Die [[Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie]] (WGO) verklaar dat nie-Engelse tale en kulture verskillende woorde vir seksuele aktiwiteit het, "met effens verskillende betekenisse".<ref name="WHO, Sex">{{cite web|title=Defining sexual health: Report of a technical consultation on sexual health|publisher=[[WGO]]|date=11 Januarie 2002|accessdate=5 September 2012|page=4|url=}}</ref> Verskeie vulgêre woorde, slenguitdrukkings en [[eufemisme]]s word vir seksuele omgang gebruik, soos "naai",<ref>"Naai (1)" in die [[HAT]]. Aanlyn by [] (intekening nodig).</ref> "pomp"<ref>"Pomp" (2b) in die [[WAT]]. Aanlyn by [] (intekening nodig).</ref> en "saamslaap".<ref>"Saamslaap" in die Departement van Kuns en Kultuur se Meertalige MIV/VIGS-terminologielys. Aanlyn by [] (intekening nodig).</ref> Dit is ook onder die [[Latyn]]se name ''immissio penis'' ("invoeging van die penis")<ref name="Intromission">{{cite dictionary|title=Intromission| dictionary=Merriam-Webster|accessdate=26 Desember 2012|url=}}</ref> of ''coitio'' ("koïtus", "saamkom", "saamgaan") bekend.<ref name="Coitus">
*{{cite dictionary|title=Coitus| dictionary=Merriam-Webster|accessdate=6 September 2012|url=}}</ref><ref name="Kar"/>
*{{cite book |author=Nilamadhab Kar |author2=Gopal Chandra Kar| title = Comprehensive Textbook of Sexual Medicine | publisher = Jaypee Brothers|pages=107–112| isbn = 978-8180614057|year=2005| accessdate = 4 September 2012 | url =}}</ref>
Vaginale, anale en orale seks word meer as enige ander seksuele aktiwiteit beskou as seksuele omgang.<ref name="Most common forms">
*{{cite web| title= Sexual Intercourse || accessdate=12 Januarie 2008 | url= |archiveurl =|archivedate = 22 Augustus 2008}}
*{{cite book|author = Harvey B. Milkman|author2 = Kenneth W. Wanberg | title = Pathways to Self-Discovery and Change: Criminal Conduct and Substance Abuse Treatment for Adolescents | publisher = SAGE | year = 2004 | pages = 254–255 | accessdate = 6 September 2013|isbn = 978-1412906142| url =}}</ref><ref name="Kar"/>
*{{cite book |author=Nilamadhab Kar |author2=Gopal Chandra Kar| title = Comprehensive Textbook of Sexual Medicine | publisher = Jaypee Brothers Publishers|pages=107–112| isbn = 978-8180614057|year=2005| accessdate = 4 September 2012 | url =}}</ref>
Hoewel niepenetrerende seks as seksuele omgang beskou kan word,<ref name=""/><ref name="Kar"/><ref name="Kahn, Fawcett">{{cite book|title = The Encyclopedia of Mental Health | publisher = Infobase Publishing | year = 2008 | page = 111| accessdate = 5 September 2012 |isbn = 978-0816064540| url =|author1=Ada P. Kahn |author2=Jan Fawcett }}</ref> kan dit ook beskou word as ’n manier om maagdelikheid te bewaar.<ref name="Technical virginity">