Elektriese lading: Verskil tussen weergawes

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Lyn 34:
== Behoud van Lading ==<!-- This section is linked from [[Conservation law]] -->
The<b>Die totaltotale electricelektriese chargelading ofvan an'n [[isolatedgeïsoleerde systemstelsel]] remainsbly constantkonstant regardlessongeag ofvan changesveranderings withinbinne thedie system itselfstelsel</b>. ThisHierdie lawwet is inherentinhirent todeel allvan processesalle knownprosesse tobekend physicsin die fisika anden cankan beafgelei derivedword in a'n locallokale formvorm fromvanaf die [[gauge:en:guage invariance|''guage invariance'']] ofvan thedie [[wave functiongolfvergelyking]]. TheDie conservationbehoud ofvan chargelading resultsveroorsaak indie the chargelading-currentstroom [[continuity equation]]kontinuïteitsvergelyking. MoreMeer generallyalgemeen, thedie netnetto changeverandering in [[chargelading densitydigtheid]] <math>\rho</math> withinbinne a'n volume ofvan integrationintegrasie <math>V</math> is equalgelyk toaan thedie area-integraal integraloor over thedie [[currentstroom densitydigtheid]] <math>J</math> onop thedie surfaceoppervlak ofvan thedie area <math>S</math>, whichwat isop insy turnbeurt equalweer gelyk is toaan thedie netnetto [[CurrentElektriese (electricity)stroom|currentstroom]] <math>I</math>:
:<math>- \frac{d}{dt} \int_V \rho\, \mathrm{d}V = \int_S \mathbf{J} \cdot \mathrm{d}\mathbf{S} = \int J S \cos\theta = I.</math>
Dus, die omskakeling van elektreise lading, soos deur die kontinuïteitsvergelyking, gee die resultaat:
Thus, the conservation of electric charge, as expressed by the continuity equation, gives the result:
:<math>I = -\frac{dQ}{dt}</math>
wherewaar '''I''' isdie thenetto netuitwaartse outwardstroom currentdeur through'n ageslote closedopppervlak surfaceis, anden '''Q''' isdie theelektriese electriclading charge containedis withinbinne thedie volume definedgedefinieer bydeur thedie surfaceoppervlak.
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