
⧼usage⧽: {{collapsed|title=title|content}}

  • Note: If the content includes an equal sign, use {{collapsed|title=title|1=content}} or replace the equal signs with =.
Optional parameters:
  • background-c = background color (default: #fff)
  • border-c = border color (default: #aaa)
  • border-w = border width (default: 1px)
  • border-s = border style (default: solid)
  • header-c = header color (default: #e0e0e0)
  • font-size = size of header and body text (default: 88%)
  • header-fs = size of header text (default: 88% or 'font-size' if set)
  • width = width of box (default: 100%)

View source for additional parameters.