Padafhanklikheid: Verskil tussen weergawes

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In die konteks van statistiese modellering, word 'n padafhanklike [[stogastiese sisteem]] gedefinieer as "'n sisteem wat 'n asimptotiese verspreiding besit wat ontwikkel as 'n gevolg (funksie) van die proses se eie geskiedenis". So 'n proses staan ook bekend as 'n ''[[Ergodisiteit|nie-ergodiese]] [[stogastiese proses]]''. 'n Moontlike bron van verwarring is die gebruik van term "padafhanklik" om arbeidsmark histerese te beskryf, omdat dit hier die ''teenoorgestelde'' betekenis dra van die term in die konteks van die [[aanpasbare verwagting]]smodel van inflasie. In arbeidsmark-ekonomie sal daar in sommige "padafhanklike" modelle 'n periode van werkloosheid voorkom na 'n lukrake stap sonder drywing, wat slegs afhang van sy vorige vlak ('n [[Markov-proses]]).
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==Geskiedenis en die geesteswetenskappe==
==History and the social sciences==
{{seealso|historical institutionalism}}
Die geskiedenis van die mens is amper per definisie padafhanklik. Toevallige gebeurtenisse soos die vroeë dood van groot geskiedkundige figure soos [[Napoleon]] of [[Hitler]] sou waarskynlik die politiese landskap van Europa verander het en selfs die tale wat in vandag in die verskillende lande gepraat word.
The history of humanity is almost by definition path-dependent. Accidental events such as the death at an early age of major historical figures like [[Napoleon]] or [[Hitler]] would likely have altered the political geography of Europe and even the languages spoken in different countries today.
Onlangse metodologiese werk in vergelykende politiek en sosiologie het die konsep van padafhanklikheid aangepas vir die analise van politiese en sosiale verskynsels. Padafhanklikheid is histories hoofsaaklik gebruik in [[vergelykende-historiese]] analises om die ontwikkeling en voortbestaan van [[instelling]]s, of hulle sosiaal, polities of kultureel mag wees. Daar is twee moontlike (en betwisbare) tipes padafhanklike prosesse, wat in hierdie afdeling bespreek word.
Recent methodological work in comparative politics and sociology has adapted the concept of path dependence into analyses of political and social phenomenon. Path dependence has primarily been used in [[comparative-historical]] analyses to analyze the development and persistence of [[institutions]], whether they be social, political, or cultural. There are arguably two discernable types of path-dependent processes:
===Kritiese punt-raamwerk===
* One is the "[[critical juncture]]" framework, most notably utilized by Ruth and David Collier in [[political science]]. In the critical juncture framework, [[antecedent conditions]] define and delimit agency during a critical juncture in which actors make [[contingent]] choices that set a specific trajectory of [[institutional]] development and consolidation that is difficult to reverse. This is akin to the concepts of [[vendor lock-in]] or [[positive feedback]] derived from path dependence in economics.
Die eerste is die "kritiese punt"-raamwerk, insonderheid deur Ruth en David Collier in [[politieke wetenskap]] gebruik. In die kritiese punt-raamwerk definieer en beperk voorafgaande omstandighede bemiddeling gedurende 'n kritiese punt waarin rolspelers keuses maak wat die koers vir die ontwikkeling en konsolidasie van [[instelling]]s bepaal wat moeilik herroep word. Dit is soortgelyk aan die konsep van "[[vendor lock-in]]" of [[positiewe terugvoer]] wat kom van padafhanklikheid in ekonomie.
Die kritiese punt-raamwerk is al gebruik om die ontwikkeling en voortbestaan van [[welsynstaat]] verduidelik, arbeidsinkorporasie in [[Latynsamerika]] en die variasies van [[ekonomiese ontwikkeling]] tussen lande, onder andere.
The critical juncture framework has been used to explain the development and persistence of [[welfare states]], labor incorporation in [[Latin America]], and the variations in [[economic development]] between countries, among other things.
An'n influentialInvloedryke attemptpoging toom give'n somemeer formalformele rigorbasis toaan thinking about path dependencepadafhanklikheid in politicalpolitiese sciencewetenskap is notablyinsonderheid thatdié ofvan Paul Pierson. Pierson drawsbaseer insy partidees ongedeeltelik ideasop from economics (see above)ekonomie. HisSy effortspogings in thishierdie regardverband have beenis questionedbevraagteken bydeur Herman Schwartz, whowie arguesredeneer thatdat forceskragte analogouswat toooreenkomstig thoseis identifiedmet daardie wat in thedie economicekonomiese literatureliteratuur are notuitgeken pervasiveis, nie deurtrekkend in thedie politicalpolitiese ryk is realmnie, wherewaar largergroter forceskragte anden thedie strategicstrategiese exercisebeoefening ofvan powermag givelei risetot to,die maintainskepping, andonderhoud en omvorming transformvan institutionsinstellings.
Soortgelyk, het geleerdes soos Kathleen Thelen gewaarsku dat die historiese [[determinisme]] in padafhanklike raamwerke die konstante heronderhandelinge van die konfigurasies van instellings ignoreer. Sy stel voor dat instellings oomblikke van instellingsontwikkeling ondergaan waartydens hoofrolspelers die konfigurasie en doel van die instellings heronderhandel.
In a related vein, scholars such as Kathleen Thelen caution that the historical [[determinism]] in path-dependent frameworks ignore the constant renegotiation of institutional configurations. She suggests that institutions undergo moments of [[institutional evolution]] wherein key actors renegotiate the configuration and purpose of institutions.
===Reaktiewe reekse===
* The other path-dependent process deals with "[[reactive sequences]]" where a primary event sets off a temporally-linked and causally-tight chain of events that is nearly uninterruptible. These reactive sequences have been used to link the death of [[Martin Luther King, Jr.]] with welfare expansion and the [[industrial revolution]] in [[England]] with the development of the [[steam engine]].
Die ander padafhanklike proses handel oor "reaktiewe reekse" waar 'n primêre gebeurtenis 'n ketting van gebeurtenisse wat tyd- en nouliks volgens oorsake geskakel is en wat amper onbelemmerbaar is. Hierdie reaktiewe reekse is al gebruik om die dood van [[Martin Luther King, Jr.]] te skakel aan welsynsuitbreiding en die [[industriële rewolusie]] in [[Engeland]] met die ontwikkeling van die [[stoomenjin]].
==Typography ==
Line 73 ⟶ 76:
The process of [[Spontaneous symmetry breaking]] in physics is very similar to path dependence. For example, in materials that exhibit [[Ferromagnetism]], magnetic domains form in otherwise completely homogeneous materials.
* Arrow, Kenneth J. (1963), 2nd ed. ''[[Social Choice and Individual Values]]''. Yale University Press, New Haven, pp. 119-120 (constitutional transitivity as alternative to path dependence on the status quo).
* Arthur, W. Brian (1994), ''Increasing Returns and Path Dependence in the Economy'', Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press.
Line 90 ⟶ 95:
* Schwartz, Herman. "Down the Wrong Path: Path Dependence, Increasing Returns, and Historical Institutionalism."
==ExternalEksterne linksskakels==
* [ ArticleArtikel onoor Pathpadafhanklikheid Dependence fromvan EH.NET's Encyclopediase ensiklopedie]
* [ "QWERTY, Lock-in, and Path Dependence"] WebWebblad pagewat thatredeneer argues thatdat "lock-in" leads tolei markettot failuremarkmislukking anden providesverskaf a'n listlys ofvan referencesverwysings, althoughalhoewel itdit shortkort shriftsmette articlesmaak frommet thoseartikels onvan thedie otherander sidekant.
* Shawn Hargreaves Heap (1980), "Choosing the Wrong 'Natural' Rate: Accelerating Inflation or Decelerating Employment and Growth?" ''Economic Journal'' 90(359) (Sept): 611-20 (ISSN 0013-0133) developsontwikkel thedie ideaidee thatdat persistentlydeurlopende highhoë unemploymentwerkloosheid cankan causeveroorsaak thedat die [[NAIRU|"naturalnatuurlike" rate of unemployment]] towerkloosheidsyfer risestyg.
* [ "Doctoral Program Research on Organizational Paths"] WebWebblad pagevan form thedie Freie Universitaet Berlin Facultyse offakulteit Businessvan AdministrationBedryfsadministrasie anden EconomicEkonomie.
* [ "Our Love Of Sewers: A Lesson in Path Dependence"]
[[Kategorie:Industriële organisasie]]