Jakup Halil Mato Prof. Dr. (* 16 September 1934 in Fterra in Bezirk Saranda; † 30 Augustus 2005 in Tirana) was 'n Albanese Literatuur kritikus en lid van die Akademie van Wetenskap in Albanië.



"New phenomenons in albanian literature" Risi të letersisë shqipe 1983"Naim Frasheri" Publishing House Bib.m+v 891983.01

"Paradocs of the humor and satire" Paradokset e satirës dhe të humorit- Toena Publishing House 2000 ISBN 99927-1-267-8 / 9992712678

"Images, codes, traditions" Imazhe, kode, kumte, Academy of Sciences publishing 2001 ISBN 99927-761-8-8 / 9992776188

"In the footsteps of the pre-professional art" Rrjedhave të artit paraprofesionist, Academy of Sciences publishing 2004 ISBN 99943-614-2-2

"The poetic of drama and the estetik though" Poetika e dramaturgjisë dhe mendimi estetik, Academy of Sciences Publishing 2005 99943-763-330-2-2

Eksterne skakels

  • [1][dooie skakel]
  • [2] – "On emigrants live"

