Osborne Morton (1945, Belfast, Noord-Ierland) is 'n voormalige fikoloog verbonde aan die Ulster Museum. Morton het in 2007 bedank.

'Osborne Morton'
Gebore 1945
Belfast, Noord-Ierland
Nasionaliteit Noord-Ierland
Vakgebied Fikoloog, Plantkundige
Instelling(s) Ulster Museum, Doncaster Museum
Alma mater Trinity College, Dublin & Universiteit van Wallis
Bekend vir Navorsing rakende alge.

Morton is opgelei in Belfast en by Trinity College, Dublin, waar hy plantkunde onder Professor D.A. Webb studeer het. Sy finalejaarstesis het navorsing oor mariene alge ingesluit, en sy belangstelling in seewier het ontwikkel uit kinderjarenuuskierigheid oor die see. Nadat hy in 1969 aan Trinity gegradueer het, studeer hy aan die Universiteit van Wallis en behaal hy 'n Diploma in Mariene Biologie. Sy eerste pos was as onderwysbeampte in Doncaster Museum. Sy belangstelling in mariene alge is egter aktief gehandhaaf en hy het in 1975 teruggekeer na Belfast as Navorsingsassistent, en later Kurator van Plantkunde, met spesiale verantwoordelikheid vir die alge en ligene by die Ulster Museum.


  • Morton, O. 1974. Marine algae of Sandeel Bay, Co. Down. Ir. Nat. J. 18: 32 - 35.
  • Morton, O. 1976. Marine Algae in Copeland Bird Observatory Report.
  • Guiry, M.D. and Morton, O. 1976. Schottera nicaeensis (Lamour. ex Duby) Guiry et Hollenberg from Co. Antrim. Ir. Nat. J. 18: 285 - 286.
  • Morton, O. 1977. A note on W.H.Harvey's algae in the Ulster Museum. Ir. Nat. J. 19: 26.
  • Morton, O. 1977. Sylvanus Wear's algal collection in the Ulster Museum. Ir. Nat. J. 19: 92 - 93.
  • Morton, O. 1978. Lemanea in the north of Ireland. Ir. Nat. J. 19: 205.
  • Morton, O. 1978. Some interesting records of algae from Ireland. Ir. Nat. J. 19: 240 - 242.
  • McMillan, N.F. and Morton, O. 1979. A Victorian album of algae from the north of Ireland with specimens collected by William Sawers. Ir. Nat. J. 19: 384 - 387.
  • Morton, O. 1980. Three algal collections in the Ulster Museum herbarium. Ir. Nat. J. 20: 33 - 37.
  • Morton, O. 1981. American algae collected by W.H.Harvey and others, in the Ulster Museum Herbarium. Taxon 30: 867 - 868.
  • Guiry, M.D., Irvine, L.M. and Morton, O. 1981. Notes on Irish marine algae - 4. Gymnogongrus devoniensis (Greville) Schotter (Rhodophyta). Ir. Nat. J. 20: 288 - 292.
  • Morton, O. and Chamberlain, Y.M. 1985. Records of some epiphytic coralline algae in north-east of Ireland. Ir. Nat. J. 21: 436 - 440.
  • Morton, O. 1988. Lichens on Lighthouse Island. Copeland Bird Observatory Annual Report for 1986.p. 44.
  • Morton, O. and Chamberlain, Y.M. 1989. Further records of encrusting coralline algae on the north-east coast of Ireland. Ir. Nat. J. 23: 102 - 106.
  • Morton, O. 1992 Charophyta. In: Hackney, P. (ed) Stewart and Corry's Flora of the North-East of Ireland. Institute of Irish Studies, Belfast. 419 pp.
  • Morton, O. 1994. Marine Algae of Northern Ireland. Ulster Museum, Belfast. ISBN 0-900761-28-8
  • Morton, O. 2003. The marine macroalgae of Co. Donegal, Ireland. Bull. Ir. biogeog. Soc. No. 27: 3 - 164
  • Marine Algae of Northern Ireland[1]

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