Peter John Landin (5 Junie 1930, Sheffield – 3 Junie 2009[1][2]) was 'n Britse rekenaar wetenskaplike. Hy was een van die eerste om te besef dat lambda calculus gebruik kan word 'n programmeertaal te modelleer, 'n insig wat noodsaaklik is vir die ontwikkeling van beide funksionele programmeering en denotasionele semantiek.

Peter Landin
Gebore (1930-06-05)5 Junie 1930
Oorlede 3 Junie 2009 (78 jaar oud)
Nasionaliteit Britse
Bekend vir ISWIM, J operator, SECD machine, off-side rule

Geselekteerde publikasies wysig

  • Landin, Peter J. (1964). "The mechanical evaluation of expressions". The Computer Journal. 6 (4): 308–320. doi:10.1093/comjnl/6.4.308.
  • Landin, Peter J. (1966). "A formal description of Algol 60". Formal Language Description Languages for Computer Programming: 266–294.
  • Landin, Peter J. (Februarie 1965a). "Correspondence between ALGOL 60 and Church's Lambda-notation: part I". Communications of the ACM. 8 (2): 89–101. doi:10.1145/363744.363749.
  • Landin, Peter J. (Maart 1965b). "A correspondence between ALGOL 60 and Church's Lambda-notation: part II". Communications of the ACM. 8 (3): 158–165. doi:10.1145/363791.363804.
  • Landin, Peter J. (29 Augustus 1965c). "A Generalization of Jumps and Labels". UNIVAC Systems Programming Research (technical report). Herdruk in ""A Generalization of Jumps and Labels"". Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation. 11 (2): 125–143. Desember 1998. doi:10.1023/A:1010068630801.
  • Landin, Peter J. (Maart 1966). "The next 700 programming languages". Communications of the ACM. 9 (3): 157–166. doi:10.1145/365230.365257.

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