Saturnus: Verskil tussen weergawes

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Lyn 13:
| eccentricity = {{nowrap|0,055 723 219}}
| period = 10&nbsp;759,22 dae<br />29,4571 jare<br />24&nbsp;491,07 Saturnus solar dae<ref name="CSeligman">{{en}} {{cite web | url = | title = Rotation Period and Day Length | last = Seligman | first = Courtney | accessdate = 2009-08-13 | archiveurl = | archivedate = 2011-08-10 |url-status=live }}</ref>
| synodic_period = 378,09 dae<ref name="fact">{{en}} {{cite web | url= | title=Saturn Fact Sheet | publisher=NASA | last=Williams | first=David R. | accessdateaccess-date=2007-07-31 |Julie 2007 |date=7 September 2006 | archiveurlarchive-url= | archivedate=2011archive-08-21date=11 April 2020 |url-status=live }}</ref>
| avg_speed = 9,69&nbsp;km/s<ref name="fact" />
| inclination = 2,485&nbsp;240° (tot [[Ekliptika]])<br />5,51° (tot die [[son]] se [[ewenaar]])<br />0,93° (tot onveranderbare vlakte)<ref name=meanplane>{{en}} {{cite web | date=2009-04-03 | title=The MeanPlane (Invariable plane) of the Solar System passing through the barycenter | url= | accessdate=2009-04-10 | archiveurl= | archivedate = 2009-05-14 |url-status=live }} (geproduseer met [ Solex 10] geskryf van Aldo Vitagliano)</ref>
Lyn 38:
| declination = 83,537°
| albedo = 0,342 (Bond)<br />0,47 (geometries)<ref name="fact" />
| magnitude = +1,47 tot −0,24<ref name="magnitude">{{en}} {{cite web | url= | title=Wideband photoelectric magnitude measurements of Saturn in 2000 | accessdateaccess-date=2007-10-14 Oktober 2007 | last=Schmude | first=Richard W. Junior | year=2001 | publisher=Georgia Journal of Science |archive-url= |archive-date=20 Augustus 2013 |url-status=live}}</ref>
| angular_size = 14,5"–20,1"<ref name="fact" /><br />(sonder ringe)
| temperatures = yes