Bespreking:The Flowers Of Romance

Jongste opmerking: 19 jaar gelede deur Snowdog

This is likely to be an hoax. Look at the "official website". And look at the english article for more reliable informations. --Snowdog 14:59, 16 Julie 2005 (UTC)Beantwoord

  • Prove it. Why do you think so? Because at the website are skull & bones and is written the word "pirates"? --Black Cat 10:00, 17. Julie 2005 (CEST)
In Snowdog's defense - yesterday when I first tried to acces the site it looked like a sex related site, but perhaps they were experiencing vandalism since later in the day it had the skull and bones which if clicked on goes to a punk band site. I must say a superficial scan through a very comprehensive book on Punk didn't mention The Flowers Of Romance - I will recheck. In any case there are many other punk bands such as the Sex Pistols, Romanes, Clash etc. that deserve to be translated ahead of a band that according to the English article never played a gig or made a record before disbanding in the 70s. Laurens 13:06, 17 Julie 2005 (UTC)Beantwoord

Ek het vinnig bietjie rondgekyk en daar is 'n paar ander plekke op die Internet wat van die The Flowers Of Romance praat. Toe ek die eerste keer na die amptelike werf gaan het dit bietjie na 'n ongure werf gelyk maar toe 'n rukkie later lyk dit wel na iets wat tot 'n punkgroep kon hoort. So as dit 'n Hoax is, is dit redelik uitvoerig gedoen. Die artikel oor Sealand lyk op die oog af meer verdag.

'n Anonieme gebruiker het Snowdog se waarkuwing vroeër uigevee - ek dink nie dis reg om dit te doen nie - as mens verskil, gee jou redes hier, eerder as om die aantuiging bloot uit te vee. Laurens 20:39, 16 Julie 2005 (UTC)Beantwoord

Ek dink die "mikronasie" Sealand bestaan wél, net soos die "Hutt River Province" in Wes-Australië. Maar dis eerder 'n saak vir 'n artikel oor Angel-Saksiese volkskunde... Die punk band bestaan ook soos ons kan lees, maar kom nie van Sealand af nie, of wél? ;) -Voyageur

This article is a joke, or some kind of spam, about a punk band that likely does not exist. Please delete it. --Snowdog 22:48, 28 Augustus 2005 (UTC)Beantwoord

Terug na "The Flowers Of Romance"-bladsy.