
Jongste opmerking: 16 jaar gelede deur Anrie in onderwerp Lêer



Why has everything changed to Leer? is there a major change or something, because i'm very confused. --Bezuidenhout (kontak) 17:56, 14 Desember 2008 (UTC)Beantwoord

It's a change in the software... or more of an addition, really. They want to move away from linking images using "image" or "beeld", because there are more than one type of media file (Commons also has video and sound files) and they all use the same namespace. Referring to the group as "file" or "lêer" is therefor not as inaccurate as using, for example, "beeld" to link to the video that can be viewed in Charlie Chaplin. Using "beeld" still works, but it is possible that they plan to replace it with "lêer", so that only "lêer" will be valid after a certain time (just speculation on my part). Anrie (kontak) 19:36, 14 Desember 2008 (UTC)Beantwoord
So can i still write Beeld? is everything still ok? can i carry on with adding images the way i used to? and is there a way of making it easier to write Leer? i struggle to have the ê and i must copy and paste the word everytime now. --Bezuidenhout (kontak) 21:24, 14 Desember 2008 (UTC)Beantwoord
You can still write "beeld" if you want, everything is still ok. You can create the ê by typing Alt+136. Anrie (kontak) 08:52, 15 Desember 2008 (UTC)Beantwoord
Terug na "Vigo"-bladsy.