Kategoriebespreking:Stede en dorpe in Oregon

Jongste opmerking: 15 jaar gelede deur Adriaan90 in onderwerp Titel



Hierdie kategorie se titel is nie volgens die konvensie nie. Moet ons in die toekoms alle sulke kategorieë as "Stede en dorpe in X" benoem, of sal ons "Stede in X" en "Dorpe in X" geskei hou, soos bv. Kategorie:Dorpe in Vermont? — Adriaan90 (Bespreking • Bydraes) 11:42, 10 Mei 2009 (UTC)Beantwoord

Yes, but then that brings confusion over what a town, and what a city is, why can't we just move all dorpe in Vermont to a kategoriee Stede en dorpe in Vermont, for example, look at Kategorie:Stede en dorpe in Gauteng (and so on).--Bezuidenhout (kontak) 13:59, 10 Mei 2009 (UTC)Beantwoord
Yes I am proposing both outways. I think your suggestion may be most practical as I believe certain areas have different definitions of what as a city qualifies. — Adriaan90 (Bespreking • Bydraes) 14:09, 10 Mei 2009 (UTC)Beantwoord
(wk) Inderdaad, definisies van "stad" en "dorp" verskil van plek tot plek en is soms heel arbitrêr. "Stede en dorpe in X" is beter, imo. Anrie (kontak) 14:10, 10 Mei 2009 (UTC)Beantwoord
"Nedersettings in X" is 'n maklike oplossing en daarnaas ook 'n aardrykskundige Afrikaanse vakterm wat op alle lande en gebiede van toepassing is. --Voyageur (kontak) 14:20, 10 Mei 2009 (UTC)Beantwoord
Met Voyageur se voorstel kan ons dus townships en plakkerskampe ook insluit. Of ons kan dit as 'n subkategorie insluit. Ek dink "Nedersetting in X" is meer prakties en dit voorkom 'n oorbodigheid van woorde. — Adriaan90 (Bespreking • Bydraes) 15:04, 10 Mei 2009 (UTC)Beantwoord
Ek sou egter die meervoudsvorm, i.e. "Nedersettings in X", verkies. — Adriaan90 (Bespreking • Bydraes) 15:09, 10 Mei 2009 (UTC)Beantwoord
Enige besware as ek alle kategorieë wat hierby betrek word in die vorm "Nedersettings in X" hernoem? — Adriaan90 (Bespreking • Bydraes) 15:21, 10 Mei 2009 (UTC)Beantwoord
What exactly is the exact translation for nedersettings? --Bezuidenhout (kontak) 15:58, 12 Mei 2009 (UTC)Beantwoord
Because I feel very uncomfortable going against every other wikipedia into this category. --Bezuidenhout (kontak) 17:27, 12 Mei 2009 (UTC)Beantwoord
A "nedersetting" is a settlement, which can be a town, city, township, village, etc. Anrie (kontak) 18:09, 12 Mei 2009 (UTC)Beantwoord
I see, I guess I just feel uncomfortable because this is such a big change and i've been working with stede en dorpe articles for my whole Wikipedia journey. But I guess nedersettings is good too. But then again, why is it better (except for being shorter) than Stede en dorpe. Surley a nedersetting can be anything from a farm, to a hamlet, to a mining camp? --Bezuidenhout (kontak) 18:25, 12 Mei 2009 (UTC)Beantwoord

Well there are countless instances where we named articles/lists/categories as cities/towns/towns and cities and there are some discussions of how to exactly define a city from a town. Some people want that a city needs a cathedral, others say a city has to be big enough whether or not it has a cathedral, others say it needs a civic centre or they refer to its level of government, this classification also I believe vary between countries. I wouldn't think a farm, hamlet or mining camp is a nedersetting, more like a place or a camp, but if there is some thing we need to distinguish, my advice would be to make a subcategory in the Nedersetting category and call it "Townships" or something, e.g. — Adriaan90 (Bespreking • Bydraes) 19:01, 12 Mei 2009 (UTC)Beantwoord

The Departments of Education will usually refer to (stedelike en landelike) nedersettings in their Afrikaans geography curricula. This term is universal and encyclopedic. --Voyageur (kontak) 18:59, 12 Mei 2009 (UTC)Beantwoord
But my Question is: in what way is kategorie:nedersettings in X better than kategorie:stede en dorpe in X--Bezuidenhout (kontak) 19:49, 12 Mei 2009 (UTC)Beantwoord
One may say that Stede en dorpe is a colloquial term, while Nedersettings is more scientific. --Voyageur (kontak) 21:38, 12 Mei 2009 (UTC)Beantwoord

You are wanting to exclude everything else from what you may perceive as "stede en dorpe" which may differ depending on perception. Nedersetting is a more umbrella term. I don't really see the big deal in this, other than the name is shorter and it makes more sense to me, but if it's really a big problem I can undo all the name changes. Otherwise I will continue tomorrow to change the rest of the category and article names so that everything looks the same. The "stede en dorpe in x", "stede en dorpe van x", "xse stede en dorpe", "dorpe van x", "dorpe in x", etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. had anyway been asking to be cleaned up. From next time I will reply in Afrikaans as this is becoming too much trouble for me. I trust you will understand most of what I say. — Adriaan90 (Bespreking • Bydraes) 21:21, 12 Mei 2009 (UTC)Beantwoord

Yes, it's fine Adriaan, i'm ok with nedersettings, I just had a few questioins since I'm new to the word. But is it ok if we just keep the Stede en dorpe in Mpumalanga/Oos-Kaap/Vrystaat etc. (all the South African province articles) the same? Those are the only ones I would really like to stay at Stede en dorpe. Is this ok? --Bezuidenhout (kontak) 06:14, 13 Mei 2009 (UTC)Beantwoord
I guess it's a big deal to me because it's a big change, and since a vast number of afrikaans articles are about nedersettings (maybe even the majority?)- it's going to be a monumental task, so good luck :) --Bezuidenhout (kontak) 06:19, 13 Mei 2009 (UTC)Beantwoord
Die grootte van die taak pla my nie in die minste nie. Ek wil net hê die Afrikaanse Wikipedia moet netjies en eenvormig wees waar moontlik. Ek dag dit was 'n goeie verandering, ek dink nie om dat dit 'n "big change" is dat dit wel 'n probleem is nie. As enigiemand baie sterk hieroor voel dan moet ons dit eers uitklaar, voordat ek voortgaan met die res van die skuiwe, en dan besluit ons daarna dat alles net teruggeskuif moet word. My motivering vir die skuif is bloot dat "stede en dorpe", wat indiwidueel nie goed gedefinieer kan word nie, netsowel "nedersettings" hernoem kan word. Ons kan dalk 'n definisie vir 'n nedersetting hier vasstel wat kleinere mynkampe esv. uitsluit, of ons kan bloot hierdie artikels onder die kategorie insluit, ek sien nie werklik 'n probleem daarin nie. Dis net vir my sinneloos om verwante artikels van mekaar te skei op gronde van 'n vae definisie. — Adriaan90 (Bespreking • Bydraes) 18:25, 14 Mei 2009 (UTC)Beantwoord
Ons kan hierdie bespreking ook na die Wikipedia:Geselshoekie skuiwe sodat meer mense dit sal raaksien, indien so verkies. — Adriaan90 (Bespreking • Bydraes) 18:26, 14 Mei 2009 (UTC)Beantwoord
Terug na "Stede en dorpe in Oregon"-bladsy.