Gebruiker:Martinvl/Baarle: Verskil tussen weergawes

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Martinvl (besprekings | bydraes)
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Martinvl (besprekings | bydraes)
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Lyn 89:
<!--Baarle-Hertog and Baarle-Nassau each have a [[Bürgermeister|burgermeester]] (mayor). Each town has its own elected town council and each has a police station. Each town has its own church. In some areas the two town councils can cooperate. They have set up a joint council to look after things like electricity, water and gas supplies, highway maintenance and refuse collection. -->Albei Baarle-Hertog en Baarle-Nassau het het hul eie burgemeester. Albei het sy eie verkose stadsraad, hul eie polisiekantoor en hul eie kerk. Die twee stadsrade kan in sommige gebiede saamwerk. Hulle het 'n gesamentlike raad opgestel om onder andere elektrisiteit, water en gasvoorraad, instandhouding van snelweë en vullisverwydering te voorsien.
<!--Both councils also fund a joint cultural centre that houses a combined library. The cultural centre has two official entrances. The international border passes through the building. The Dutch entrance is at 7 Pastoor de Katerstraat. The Belgian entrance is at 5 Pastoor de Katerstraat. The tourist office is affiliated to both the Dutch and the Belgian tourist boards.--> Albei rade befonds ook 'n gesamentlike kultuursentrum met 'n gekombineerde biblioteek. Die kultuursentrum het twee amptelike ingange. Die internasionale grens gaan deur die gebou. Die Nederlandse ingang is by Pastoor de Katerstraat 7 en die Belgiese ingang is by Pastoor de Katerstraat 5. Die toeristekantoor is verbonde aan albei die Nederlandse as die Belgiese toeristeborde.
Dutch trading law applies to the Dutch parts of the town. Belgian trading laws apply to the Belgian parts of the town. Difference in the laws have encouraged smuggling. After the [[Second World War]] many people smuggled butter from the Netherlands into Belgium.<ref>{{cite web