Bespreking:Meesterkanonnier van die artillerie (Suid-Afrika)

Jongste opmerking: 1 jaar gelede deur BoonDock in onderwerp Bladsy hernoeming

Using templates


Nota: Woordeliks oorgedra van Gebruikerbespreking:Aliwal2012

Hi. Please forgive the English but if I had to type in Afrikaans it would take me forever and I'd get it wrong. I'm just curious why you keep editing out the use of templates? On the English Wikipedia's en:WP:MOS Manual of Style, there is for example recommendation that for emphasis instead of using ''' it is better practice to use the {{em|Text to emphasise}} template or the html tags directly. You've removed this a number of times. Also, I tagged some text with its language in camera which is also in line with the MOS which you've also removed. Twice now. Ek is net nuuskierig, hoekom? BoonDock (kontak) 19:19, 23 April 2023 (UTC)Beantwoord

Hi Sir, I didn't even know what the em stands for in {{em|Text to emphasise}}. Its the first time I stumbled on it on the Afrikaans wiki. Problem is I couldn't edit your English phrases that you tagged with em. Thus I rather removed them where I got blocked in visual editing. Thank you for your interesting article, you are welcome to respond in English, but rather limit the "Brits" on the article page! --  Aliwal2012 19:48, 23 April 2023 (UTC)Beantwoord
LOL. em is short for "emphasise" and correlates to the html tag which is supposed to be used instead of the italics or bold because, among other reasons, it works better for people who use screen readers and the like. So instead of This test is italics it is better to use this text is italics or if you don't like the template, then This text is also italics. See this article about the tag. Just as the em tag italics text, the <strong> tag bolds text. It gives context to the reader.
My geskrewe Afrikaans is pateties. Rerig waar. As ek praat, klink ek amper soos in tuisspreker, maar nie as ek moet skryf nie.
Ek dink nou, miskien moet 'n mens die em sjabloon vertaal, maar ek is glad nie seker wat dit sou bes vervang nie. BoonDock (kontak) 06:04, 24 April 2023 (UTC)Beantwoord
Die ander een wat jy verwyder het was die gebruik van die taal tag. {{lang|la|in camera}} wat presies reg is so ek verstaan glad nie hoekom noe? BoonDock (kontak) 06:07, 24 April 2023 (UTC)Beantwoord
Hi @BoonDock:, ek het jou gebruikte styl teruggeplaas in die artikel.   Aliwal2012 09:25, 24 April 2023 (UTC)Beantwoord
Danke. BoonDock (kontak) 13:50, 24 April 2023 (UTC)Beantwoord

Bladsy hernoeming


This is about the third time the page has been renamed. The problem is that the page name is used in the Lua modules which I have to edit every time. BoonDock (kontak) 15:47, 25 April 2023 (UTC)Beantwoord

Ek antwoord jou geagte BoonDock:
1) Op die Afrikaanse Wikipedia word daar altyd gepoog om die korrekte spelwyse van 'n titel weer te gee. Indien dit verkeerd gespel was, (soos jy gedoen het toe jy die artikel geskep het) MOET dit verander word deur 'n hernoeming te doen. Dis die beleid. Ongelukkig het ek self ook misgespel, so rondte 2 het gevolg.
2) Die Lua modules sal dan aangepas moet word. Dis nie 'n probleem nie.
3) Die aard van ons wikipedia is om dit te verbeter en foute reg te stel. Dit is die natuur van enige aanlynensiklopedie. Aanvaar dit só of gaan "moan" elders.   Aliwal2012 10:34, 30 April 2023 (UTC)Beantwoord
Ek "moan" nie. Ek noem dit maar om rede dat as die bladsy geander word dan moet die Lua kode ook gewysiging nodig het. BoonDock (kontak) 22:31, 1 Mei 2023 (UTC)Beantwoord
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