Hallo Ajbnaude, hartlik welkom op die Afrikaanse Wikipedia! Message in English Bericht in het Nederlands
Dankie vir jou belangstelling in Wikipedia. Ons werk hier aan die ideaal van ’n gratis en vrylik beskikbare, vrylik bewerkbare, neutrale en volledige ensiklopedie.
Die Afrikaanse Wikipedia bestaan al sedert Desember 2001 en bevat reeds 120 876 artikels. Vanaf die begin van die projek het die gebruikers ’n aantal riglyne en uitgangspunte vir artikelbewerking en onderlinge samewerking opgestel. Nuwelinge kan hieruit voordeel trek. Jy mag dit behulpsaam vind om van die skakels in hierdie raampie te volg en met die projek vertroud te raak voordat jy begin bydra. Indien jou vingers jeuk om te eksperimenteer, kan jy gerus ons Sandput besoek: dit is juis vir die rede daar. Uiteindelik wil ons dat al ons gebruikers vry voel om hulle gang te gaan, maar dit doen natuurlik geen kwaad om ’n bietjie houvas te kry voor 'n mens in die diep kant in spring nie! Besoek gerus ook ons Geselshoekie, ons gebruikers staan gereed om hand by te sit, of bloot net hand te skud.
Die eerste van Wikipedia se drie kernbeleide
Die gewilde bymekaarkomplek
Geen oorspronklike navorsing
Die tweede van Wikipedia se drie kernbeleide
Eksperimenteer na hartelus
Neutrale standpunt
Die derde van Wikipedia se drie kernbeleide
Hoe maak ek: teks wat skuinsgedruk is? ’n opskrif? tabelle?
Wat Wikipedia nie is nie
Daar is ook ’n paar dinge wat ons nié hier doen nie
As jy beelde wil oplaai
Ken jou maniere
Wenke vir die skryf van ’n goeie artikel
Soms sê die naam alles

Hierdie bladsy, wat nou op jou skerm vertoon word, is trouens jou persoonlike besprekingsbladsy. Die plek waar ander Wikipediane jou in die toekoms kan kontak en jy hulle dan kan beantwoord. Elke gebruiker het so ’n bladsy. Jy kan dus ook boodskappe op ander gebruikers se besprekingsbladsye los. Sluit boodskappe en besprekings altyd af met ~~~~ of deur op die handtekeningknop in die wysigingsvenster te kliek: sodoende word jou boodskap onderteken met jou gebruikersnaam en die datum en tyd waarop die boodskap gestuur is. Kliek dan laastens op "Publiseer wysigings" om enige bewerkings te stoor.

Oesjaar (kontak) 16:36, 30 November 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord

Jou verwysings.


Ek het jou eerste verwysing verander na die aanvaarbare manier van doen hier op ons Wikipedia. Verander die ander die ander ook so. Tweedens, verskaf asb ook jou geboortedatum in die artikel. Dit word benodig. Ek gaan deur die artikel en bronne werk, feite wat ek nie bevestig kry word verwyder. Groete. Oesjaar (kontak) 16:39, 30 November 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord

Die meeste van jou verwysings is effektief bemarking van publikasies... Oesjaar (kontak) 16:40, 30 November 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord
Ek is jammer, maar daar is géén regsverpligting op my om my geboortedatum te verskaf nie. Tweedens, met respek, u beskik nié oor die kopiereg wat my persoonlike en professionele inligting aanbetref nie en beslis nie oor die outeursreg van my Wikipedia inskrywing nie. Derdens, my verwysings is nié bemarkings van my publikasies nie, maar die webruimte waar die publikasies beskikbaar is - daar is byvoorbeeld geen bestelopsie op die blad wat na my digbundel verwys nie. Laastens, ek is verbonde aan 'n regsfakulteit en ek gaan definitief die eksakte strekking van my regte aangaande hierdie inskrywing laat bepaal en indien u u skuldig gemaak het aan skending van my regte sal ek nie huiwer om regstappe teen u in te stel nie. Ajbnaude (kontak) 17:26, 30 November 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord
Maak soos jy goed dink as dit jou gelukkig maak. Praat van arrogant. Oesjaar (kontak) 17:44, 30 November 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord
Vir die rekord, daar is geen kopiereg op artikels wat in Wikipedia verskyn nie, dit val in die Publieke Domein en enige gebruiker het die reg om artikels te regdigeer soos hy goeddunk. Dit is die wese van Wikipedia. Ek stal voor jy lees Gebruikersportaal] Oesjaar (kontak) 19:31, 30 November 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord
Ek sien dat u my blad uitgewis het, omdat dit in Engels is. Ek sou dit waardeer het as u my vooraf gewaarsku het dat u die blad gaan uitwis. As gevolg hiervan het ek nou ure se werk verloor. Onder die omstandighede dring ek daarop aan dat u die teks van die bladsy wat u sonder om my te waarsku geskrap het, óf aan my aanstuur by wyse van antwoord op hierdie boodskap, óf oorplaas na die Engelse weergawe van Wikipedia. Ajbnaude (kontak) 20:10, 30 November 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord
Ek werk nie op die Engelse Wikipedia nie, maar sal jou inhoud vir terugkry. Oesjaar (kontak) 20:16, 30 November 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord
Baie dankie 21:06, 30 November 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord



Jaco Barnard-Naudé is a South African researcher and writer, born in Pretoria in the late seventies. Currently, he is Professor of Jurisprudence and Co-Director of the Centre for Rhetoric Studies (CRhS) in the Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law, University of Cape Town. Since 2022, he has been serving as the Faculty of Law's Director of Research.[1]

Life and work


He attended school in Brits in the North West Province between 1986 and 1997 and then registered for tertiary undergraduate studies at the University of Pretoria for a BCom degree with specialisation in Law (which he obtained with distinction in 2000) and an LLB degree (which he obtained summa cum laude in 2002). One of his ongoing extracurricular courses was music performance (cello) and he completed the final year BMus examination in this course (with a program consisting of Haydn, Beethoven and Shostakovich) in 2002 with a distinction. After completing his undergraduate studies in law, he was briefly employed as a candidate attorney with a top five firm in Sandton, Johannesburg. He joined the University of Cape Town's Department of Commercial Law as a Lecturer in 2004, having enrolled in 2003, while still a candidate attorney, for a doctorate in critical legal philosophy, which he obtained in 2005 at the University of Pretoria under the supervision of Prof Karin van Marle with a thesis on adjudication in the South African law of contract in an era of transformative constitutionalism. During his LLB studies, he won various awards for his academic performance, including the Grotius medal from the Pretoria Bar Council, the Sanlam Prize for Economics and the Gauteng Law Council prize. Since 2004, he has been a member of the Department of Private Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Cape Town, where he has been Professor of Jurisprudence since 2012. He spends part of each year in London working as an honorary research fellow at the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities at the University of London. He also spent time doing research at the Max Planck Institute for Private International Law in Hamburg in Germany and the School of Law at Birkbeck College at the University of London.

Since 2004 he has been attached to the Department of Private Law at the law faculty of the University of Cape Town, where he has been Professor of Legal Philosophy since 2012. In 2005, he completed his doctoral thesis during a research visit to the Max Planck Institute for International Private Law (under the directorship of Prof Reinhard Zimmermann) in Hamburg, Germany . In 2006 he received the University of Cape Town's Fellows Award for outstanding research by a young academic. In 2010 he formed part of the inaugural group of invited students of the London Critical Theory Summer School, hosted by the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, University of London, with lectures by, among others, Slavoj Žižek, Etienne Balibar, Jacqueline Rose, Wendy Brown, Drucilla Cornell and Costas Douzinas. Since then he regularly spends short periods on research visits in London, first as a visiting academic in the Law School of Birkbeck College at the University of London and later as an honorary research fellow at the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, University of London (under international directorship of Slavoj Žižek with Jacqueline Rose as local co-director). He obtained the MA degree in Creative Writing (Afrikaans Poetry) under the guidance of Prof Joan Hambidge at the University of Cape Town in 2011.

In 2012 he received his first National Research Foundation Rating (Y1) and in 2018 this rating was upgraded by two categories to B2, making him one of only three professors at the University of Cape Town with a B2 rating under the age of forty. In 2024, his rating was upgraded once more, this time to the B1 category, which serves as independent confirmation that he is recognized by some peer reviewers as an international leader in his research field.

Since 2016 he has been a regular Visiting Professor in the Trame Centre (founded by Umberto Eco) of the Department of Philosophy and Communication, University of Bologna, Italy. In 2017 he was appointed as the British Academy's Newton Advanced Fellow in the Westminster Law & Theory Lab, School of Law, University of Westminster, London which is an appointment that he held until late 2020. During the fellowship, he presented public lectures to audiences in Paris, France, London and at the District Six Museum in Cape Town, amongst others. In 2017, he was the organiser responsible for the Vice-Chancellor's Open Lecture at the University of Cape Town, which was presented by Prof Jacqueline Rose under the title The Legacy, Or What I Have Learned From You, with Prof Victoria Collis-Buthelezi as the formal respondent to the lecture.

Jaco is the author or co-author of 52 scholarly articles published in academic journals including The South African Journal on Human Rights, Law and Critique, Stellenbosch Law Review, South African Law Journal, the South African Journal on Criminal Justice and LitNet Akademies (Geesteswetenskappe). In addition, 30 of his chapters as author and / or co-author have appeared in international and local peer-reviewed scholarly edited collections with publishers such as Routledge, Cambridge University Press, Edinburgh University Press and Brill, as well as national publishers such as Oxford University Press (South Africa), Wits University Press and Juta . He is the editor or co-editor of five peer-reviewed edited collections for publishers including Routledge and Juta and in this capacity he has edited academic contributions from, among others, Prof Alain Badiou, Prof Judith Butler, Prof Jacqueline Rose and Prof Achille Mbembe. In 2023, his first peer-reviewed monograph, Specters of Reparation in South Africa: Re-encountering the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, appeared in Routledge's Contemporary South Africa series.

He was a member of the executive board and a director of the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (IJR) in Cape Town for more than ten years and was, together with Prof Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela, the co-founder of the Living Reconciliation Forum at the University of Cape Town and the University of the Free State. He served as a member of the executive board of Triangle Project in Cape Town for a period of five years.



He began writing in standard eight (grade 10). After a failed attempt at a love affair with a heterosexual man, at the end of standard nine (grade 11), he wrote a number of poems on an old typewriter in his dormitory room in Brits and sent this "volume" to Tafelberg Uitgewers. The answer (in the form of a letter signed by Nèlleke de Jager) is that the manuscript is not publishable, but Charles Fryer, at that time Tafelberg's Head of Fiction, appends detailed comments in pencil on the manuscript, which served as a special motivation. In the early 2000s, he published some of his poems on LitNet and five were included in Nuwe Stemme 5 in 2013, edited by Heilna du Plooy and Loftus Marais. In May 2024, his debut collection of poetry, om my kastele in Spanje te sloop, appeared with Human & Rousseau (with Nèlleke de Jager now as his editor and publisher), after the passage of a period of fifteen years since his registration for the MA degree in Creative Writing at the University of Cape Town.

Oesjaar (kontak) 20:18, 30 November 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord